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CPA Exam Prep Coaching Videos

Learn the mindset, study techniques, habits and skills needed to tackle the CPA exam.


FORMAT: Quick daily 3-4 minute videos to view at your own pace!

COST: $49; currently on sale - reduced from $99!


  • techniques and tactics to maximize how effectively you study 

  • how to manage your time and attention to meet your studying goals 

  • the mindset and beliefs that will create a foundation for success

  • how to develop self discipline and motivation in order to sustain studying for months

  • how to overcome the stress and anxiety that everyone feels at some point in their journey

  • how to change your mindset and studying if you need to retake a section 

  • 4 hours of video content, broken into 70 clips

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You are capable of passing the CPA exam!


Anyone, no matter your circumstances, no matter how smart you are, no matter how long it takes you, is capable of passing the CPA exam if you have the right habits, the right mindset, and the right skills. This course will teach you how to develop all of those prerequisites so that you absolutely are able to pass the CPA! 


I know how badly you want to pass the CPA exam. It feels like it is an absolutely necessary step to getting your career as an accountant off to a good start. But it also feels intimidating and overwhelming because of the sheer volume of information and the difficulty of the exam. Looking at the historic pass rates does not inspire immediate confidence. Passing the CPA exam is indeed a tough goal and a long journey, but one that is manageable and at the same time requires dedication and commitment for many months. 


It is a huge challenge to stay motivated and focused when it comes to studying for such a long period of time. That is probably the number one obstacle I hear about when talking to aspiring CPAs, along with procrastinating and struggling to balance studying with other priorities. This course will teach you how to overcome all of these obstacles. You will be able to generate motivation, utilize self-discipline, study with efficiency and focus, and prioritize studying even with other demands on your time. You will also learn how to overcome the inevitable feelings of self-doubt, anxiety, worry, and fear that will come up during the times of struggle or when having to retake a section. 


When thinking about the cost of this course, or my other products, also think about the trajectory of your career with and without a CPA and what a difference passing the CPA makes over an entire career. The cost of this course in the grand scheme of your career is a very small investment. My products will also save you time and reduce the number of exam retakes which also saves you money, time, and frustration. How much would you pay if I told you that I have found the path and steps to take in order to pass all four sections? That is  exactly what this course offers.

How is this more valuable than studying with free resources on your own? Most resources cover just the actual content that you need to learn. In this course you will actually learn how to study and specifically how to pass the CPA. There are many opportunities and resources focused on the content covered in the CPA exam, but what good is the material if you are not able to find the time to learn it in an effective way and to apply it on test day? That is exactly what I teach in an understandable, logical and structured format. 


You may think “with all of the demands I already have on my time, how in the world would I balance another course on top of that?” But this course will actually save you time in the long run, by helping you study more efficiently, and by giving you a higher chance of passing and not having to worry about retakes. Ultimately this course will save you time. 


Overall, there are two sides to the CPA exam: the material itself and the strategy to be able to learn and apply that material. It is very difficult to complete the material/content part of the exam if you do not have the learning strategies, skills, and mindset. This course will teach you successful strategies for learning in a unique way that will ultimately set you up for successfully passing the CPA Exam!


I am honored to support you on this journey!

Blake Carroll

Questions? Schedule a 15-minute call with Blake to learn more about this coaching video course and the best strategies to use with it! 

Video Course Subjects ​​


1. Mindset

  • Why your mindset is a key factor in being able to pass the CPA

  • Are looking at why you'll pass or why you'll fail?

  • Going from what you know now to what you need to know to pass

  • Have your expectations in the right place

  • No CPA Exam determines your worth or value

  • One size fits one when it comes to the CPA exam

  • The CPA is a test of endurance not a test of intelligence

  • Should you try to get a 99, or a 75?

  • The Role Model Mindset

  • Does confidence or competence come first?

  • Are you making the material tougher in your head?

  • Choose excitement over nerves

  • Do you ever have a victim mentality?

  • Do you have a fear of success?

  • How shame and others' perceptions affect you

  • I have to vs. I get to

  • The power of the phrase "I am"

  • What you control versus what you do not control

  • Why comparing your path to others' isn't helpful

  • Why you should make an appointment to worry about the exam

  • You do not have to be a CPA to be a worthy person

  • Set the right intention and have the right mindset before studying


2. Studying & Time Management Habits

  • What order should I take the four sections in?

  • How many section exam dates should I schedule at once

  • How to use the Pomodoro technique

  • Applying the 80/20 rule to studying

  • How fast should I move through the material?

  • Should you watch lecture videos or read the books?

  • Flash cards are a game changing studying resource

  • Start with a smaller goal and scale it larger

  • How to transition into studying after school or work

  • Use the 2 minute rule if you can’t get started 

  • Use the 5 second rule to stop procrastinating

  • Other studying tips and tricks

  • How to prepare the day before and the day of the exam

  • Visualization exercises for test day

  • Time management strategies for test day

  • Tactics and tools for during the test itself

  • Should I flip flop which answer I chose?

  • How to study differently for a retake attempt

  • Why you need to make weekly and daily study goals

  • Why you should make your daily studying goal smaller

  • Don't feel guilty for resting

  • Don't let one missed day of studying become two

  • How your coworkers can help you pass

  • Pass as much as you can before you start work

  • The CPA exam will have to be your main extra priority


3. Motivation & Self Discipline

  • There will never be a perfect time to start

  • No matter when you start taking the CPA you can pass

  • Ultimately YOU are the one who has to put in the work

  • Visualize how it will feel to pass all four sections

  • What story do you want to be able to tell?

  • Who are you doing this for?

  • There is no shortcut to passing the CPA

  • Create a CPA license to visualize your success

  • When you feel discouraged remember your past success

  • Why we procrastinate, and how to overcome it

  • Why you need to celebrate your successes along the way

  • Expect and honor the struggle

  • Find people who will support you, encourage you, and help you believe in yourself

  • Become disturbed with procrastination and inaction

  • Do the people around you help you or hurt you?

  • Evaluating and questioning your self talk

  • How to avoid future regret and wondering what if

  • Expect that the CPA exam requires sacrifice

Visit us online to learn more!
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Terms & Conditions:

Upon completion of a video coaching course, group coaching, or individual coaching, we offer a money back guarantee if you believe these services did not provide value to you. 

© 2024 Blake Carroll Coaching.

All Rights Reserved.

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